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'Feather Reports I'
Wire, plaster, paper text and glue.
This is the lastest sculpture in my Climate Change Series. 
The text is from a book titled 'Feather Reports' A chronicle of Bird Life from the pages of The Times by Derwent May.
The work is about British Birds and their struggle to cope with the changes they are facing due to climate change.

'Feather Reports II'
Wire, plaster, paper text and glue.
This sculpture is in my Climate Change Series. 
The text is from a book titled 'Feather Reports',
A chronicle of Bird Life' from the pages of The Times by Derwent May.
The work is about British Birds and their struggle to cope with the changes they are facing due to climate change.
Private Collection.

'The Last Leaf'
Wire, plaster and paint.
"Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught and the last stream poisoned will we realise that we cannot eat money!" 
Native American Proverb.

'When we go....."
Plaster, paint.
This piece is to highlight the coastal erosion that is happening in many places but particularly the problems of the Norfolk coastline.

Crossed Letter Sculptures
At the beginning of the postal system people would write letters as we do but, in order to save money they would turn the paper 90 degrees and write over their words. It is possible to read these letters. I discovered that if I continued to turn the piece writing 4-5 times over the words they became almost impossible to read and the results were visually interesting.
In these works I write quotes from famous people over and over again - that it is not possible to easily read these quotes relates to how many countries are still not listening to warnings about Climate Change.

'Crossed Letter Sculpture I'
"We are the first generation to feel the effects of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it!'
Barak Obama
Private Collection

'Crossed Letter Sculpture II'
"We cannot compromise with the Earth, we cannot compromise with the catastrophe of unchecked climate change so we must compromise with one another" 
Gordon Brown.
Private Collection

'Crossed Letter Sculpture IV'
"There is no question that Climate Change is happening, the only arguable point is what part humans are playing in it"
David Attenborough.

'Crossed Letter Sculpture V'
"I want you to act as if the house is on fire,
because it is!"
Greta Thunberg


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